That being said, for the past few weeks I've been in this weird funk. Even though life is going great (I've been celebrating my birthday all month!) it just seems like every morning when I wake up, I'm already tired. I go to bed and I'm still tired. Even after taking almost a whole week off to relax a little (one weekend in San Diego and the next weekend in Mendocino) it seems like I can't get rested. It's just this constant run, run, run, and do, do, do. The list of things to do never gets annihilated. It only seems to grow. With each item that gets crossed off, at least two more show up. It's a never ending cycle and I often feel like a hamster in a stationary wheel.

I wish I knew. But I don't. All I know is I want to be lost in the embrace of my Father and just rest. Just find peace. So, this is my prayer this morning (in poetry form):
My soul is weary, yearning peace
There's nothing I can do
This boat is crumbling underneath
Splintering my bare feet
But Jesus, you are Prince of Peace
So calm this storm in me
just as you did in Galilee
When darkness, wind prevailed
Please call me into your embrace
Strengthen my feeble knees
That I may walk atop those waves
That aim to swallow me
I want to feel the gentle springs
Of living water flow
Deep into my thirsty soul
Replacing storm debris