We often go through life living selfishly, seeking "happiness" or "success," without stopping to ponder on the real purpose of life. And not just any life. I'm talking about our Christian life. Have you ever wondered, "What is my purpose? Right now? Right here?"

I listened to a great sermon by John Piper quite a while ago and it's been whirling in my head ever since. (If you want to listen to the full sermon, check it out here: Healed for the Sake of Holiness) In his sermon, Piper explains how Jesus healed the man at the pool of Bethesda, not simply for the sake of physical healing, but so that the man may come to know Him and turn from sin. The man was healed so that he may become holy. (Holiness was also the topic we covered last week in my Spiritual Life online class at DTS so it's a topic that's been on my mind a lot lately.)
What is holiness, you ask? Holiness is complete separation. It is literally translated to mean "to set apart" or "to mark off." Holiness is complete separation from evil and sin. Usually, when we speak of holiness, we speak of God. God is holy. If I were to explain holiness to a 10-year-old kid, this is the word picture I would use:
The closet of a typical little girl is usually filled with lots of different dresses. There are the casual dresses that are worn every day. They tend to be more ragged, sometimes stained and always wrinkled. They often get tossed on the closet floor, where they get stepped on and kicked around. Those dresses can easily be thrown in the washing machine with the rest of the dirty laundry. However, in that same closet is a very different type of dress. Unlike the casual dresses that end up in the corner of the closet floor, this dress is kept in a tightly zipped garment bag. This dress is sparkly white, silky smooth and has never been worn. It is kept completely separate from the other clothes. It’s not a dress that can be worn to go to the park or to the zoo. It’s a dress specifically made to be worn to a wedding banquet.
I know, I know, it's a very elementary description of God and holiness, but hear me out. Reason with me. If God is holy and His Word states that we must be holy as He is holy (1 Peter 1:14-16: "As obedient children, do not be conformed to the former lusts which were yours in your ignorance, but like the Holy One who called you, be holy yourselves also in all your behavior; because it is written, “YOU SHALL BE HOLY, FOR I AM HOLY.”), then everything that we say, do and think must aim toward holiness. The beautiful thing is that we cannot be holy on our own. Our holiness is completely dependent on the Holy One himself. His grace alone can make us holy. He brings holiness out of us. For that reason, He allows certain things to happen to us in order for those things to bring out holiness in us. Plainly speaking, God allows illness into our lives to bring about holiness. God allows health into our lives to bring about holiness. You see, it's the same answer for everything. Singleness - for holiness. Marriage - for holiness. Suffering - for holiness. Joy - for holiness. Unemployment - for holiness. Wealth - for holiness. Children - for holiness. Infertility - for holiness. And the list can go on forever.You see, this pretty white dress is like the holiness of God. Just like the pretty white dress is separate from the other dirty dresses in the closet, God is separate from all things that are dirty, broken and ordinary. To be holy means to be separate from all unclean things. Just like the pretty white dress that is clean, pure, and never been worn, God is also pure and clean. He does not get dirty with sin. He is different from ordinary people because he has extraordinary characteristics. He acts differently than people do. For example, God is perfectly loving and perfectly fair at the same time. Just like the pretty white dress that is meant to be worn only at a wedding, God has a different purpose than people do. Because God is holy, He also wants people to be holy. He wants people to be like that pretty white dress that is kept pure and separate from the rest of the dirty things.
God knows what each person needs in order for that person to be holy. For one person, it may mean that he or she needs to be married. For another person, it means he or she needs to be single. And so on. In all cases, God desires to bring about holiness. In me. In you. It is only in holiness that we are united with God.
Even in the Old Testament, (I'm reading through Leviticus right now), God allows the nation of Israel to experience war, famine, captivity, etc. to bring about holiness in His people. God is not sending calamity upon His people because He hates them and wants to see them struggle. Instead, He does so because loves them and wants them to look up to the Lord, recognize their dependence on Him and turn away from their false idols. God wants His people to be separate from the world and united with Him in perfect holiness.
Are you thinking this way? Are you considering the situation you're in right now as a means toward the greater end of holiness? Or, are you complaining about your plight? Are you blaming God for the situation, or are you thanking Him for working on you, your character, your holiness?