Yet, Jesus calls us to a life of surrender. You see, in order to be called a follower of Jesus Christ, you must first give up. Jesus said, "...those of you who do not give up everything you have cannot be my disciples." (Luke 14:33)
When the world tells us to accumulate wealth, power, security and acclaim, Jesus responds by saying, "surrender."
Surrender is difficult. It goes against our very nature. Since childhood, we have been taught to pursue our dreams and follow our hearts. We've heard "you can do it" pep talks. We learned to "reach for the stars." But, we weren't taught to surrender. We weren't taught to give up.
Giving up means shattered dreams. Giving up means uncertainty. Giving up means losing.
As people, we have our own ideas for what our lives should look like. Our education. Career. Family. The car we drive. The house we live in. But, are we willing to give up our ideas for God's plans?
I'm not sure why but God has really been speaking this message to me lately. As some of you know, I got accepted into Dallas Theological Seminary where I believe God is leading me to pursue a Biblical education. Leaving the comfort of my home, my family, my friends, my church and my well-paid job isn't something that I imagined for my future. It was never in my 5-year plan. And yet, God clearly put it on my heart to do this.
When I found out I got accepted, all I could think about was how awesome it will be to attend classes on theology, Biblical exposition, and spiritual formation. How awesome it will be to spend so much time in the Word. How awesome it will be to live on my own. How awesome it will be to grow and thrive in a new environment. Although the thought of leaving behind everything familiar was scary, I was thrilled at the opportunities that glistened on the horizon.
Now, several months after I firmly made the decision to move to Texas and attend DTS, God has been asking me the same question He asked in the beginning of this journey: "Are you willing to surrender?"
This time, it's not surrendering the comfort of my home, my church, or my job. He's asking me whether I will be willing to surrender the very idea He planted in my heart. It doesn't make sense. It doesn't seem reasonable. Why would God place such a poignant desire in my heart only to ask for it back? Trust me, I've asked God this question countless times and I still don't know the answer.
I don't know anything actually. I don't know if I will or will not go to seminary this summer. I don't know God's plans. I don't know the future. All I know is I must surrender. I must yield. I must submit.
Whether that surrender means giving up the security blanket of my life in Sacramento or giving up the dream of a rich Biblical education far away in Texas, I hope and pray that I may be willing to obey God's voice and submit to His divine plan.
You know why I love this? Because God's thoughts and His ways are far better than anything we can imagine or plan for our own lives. God's plans are more majestic. More abundant. More fulfilling.
God's plans are worth surrendering to.
God's plans are worth surrendering for.
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